
All about creating and sending campaigns using various types of templates.

1. Creating gallery/story campaigns

In conversation builder, select the gallery template, paste the story URL in the URL section. Make changes to title or subtitle if needed. Once saved, publish.

See the tutorial here.

Do not use money/currency/payment related text in title or subtitle.

Avoid incomplete colon marks in title or subtitle.

2. Creating video campaigns

In conversation builder, select the ‘video’ template. Upload video. Once saved, publish.

See the tutorial here.

Video file SIZE should not be greater than 16MB otherwise, it will not get uploaded.

3. Sending the user to Youtube page

In conversation builder, select the gallery template, paste the Youtube URL in the URL section. Make changes to title or subtitle if needed. Once saved, publish.

See the tutorial here.

4. Sending videos/images published on Facebook

Select the ‘Facebook Media’ template, enter the Facebook URL of the video/image published on FB. From the dropdown list right below, choose ‘video’ or ‘image’. Once saved, publish.

See the tutorial here.

5. Using 'Text' template

In conversation builder, select Text template, give the template a name and then enter the text you want to send. Once saved, publish.

Emoticons can be added to the text.

Stay within character limit otherwise, the text will not get saved.

See the tutorial here.

6. 'Add Button' feature

It is a clickable button that can be incorporated into templates. This button can direct the user to a URL or it can call for any other template.

Emoticons can be added to the text.

Stay within character limit otherwise, the text will not get saved.

A maximum of 3 buttons can be created.

See the tutorial here.

7. Using 'Quick reply' feature

8. Connecting two templates

9. Keywords

Words that work as triggers/ commands that pull a specific template/ gallery or any action.

Steps to set a keyword to a template:

  1. Go to the specific template in the conversation builder.

  2. Click on the 'Keyword' button which is right below the said template.

  3. Type in the preferred keyword and save.

  4. Publish.

  5. Test the keyword by typing it in your messenger bot.

Last updated